Pokemon Stamp Rally is being held from Friday, July 12, 2024 to Sunday, September 1, 2024

This year’s stamp rally is divided into STAGE 1-3, EXTRA STAGE

First, get a free stamp book or a paid stamp book.
Stage 1 (Departure Edition) : Collect 6 stamps on the stamp rally map!
- Stamp locations → Click here
- Complete Stage 1, you will receive a special FRIENDA pick of Floragato (JP: “ニャローテ”) , a special postcard, and a stamp book (Stage 2-3)!
Stage 2 (Terrastal Training Debut Edition) : Collect 12 stamps on the stamp rally map!
- After completing Stage 2 stamps, let’s go to the special goal counter at Tokyo Station!
- You will get a special neck strap and a set of 6 types of terrapieces!

Stage 3 (Terrastal Training Expert Edition) : Collect all 36 stamps on the stamp rally map!
- Obtein your Terrastar Training Achievement Certificate at Tokyo Station as well as the goal counter in Stage 2!
Extra Stage: The bullet train course (Six Heroes Edition)
- Stamp at your favorite “1 station” among Sendai, Morioka, Yamagata, Akita, Niigata, and Nagano stations!
- You can get a special medal as an achievement prize!
Main Stations with Stamps
At Sakuragicho Station, two stamps, “Quaxly” and “Quaxwell”, are placed.

- No1: Akabane St. , Ceruledge
- No2: Ageo St. , Toxtricity
- No3: Ikebukuro St. , Floragato
- No4: Itabashi St. , Cetitan
- No5: Ichikawa St. , Dolliv
- No6: Ueno St. , Staraptor
- No7: Urawa St. , Rockruff
- No8: Osaki St. , Teddiursa
- No9: Ofuna St. , Florges
- No10: Omiya St. , Charizard
- No11: Omori St. , Lokix
- No12: Ochanomizu St. , Chansey
- No13: Kashiwa St. , Mismagius
- No14: Kawasaki St. , Tinkatink
- No15: Kitasenju St. , Kilowattrel
- No16: Koshigaya-Laketown St. , Altaria
- No17: Sakugragicho St. , Quaxly / Quaxwell
- No18: Shinagawa St. , Metagross
- No19: Shin-Urayasu St. , Medicham
- No20: Shinjuku St. , Fuecoco
- No21: Shinbashi St. , Kingambit
- No22: Tachikawa St. , Crabominable
- No23: Chiba St. , Sudowoodo
- No24: Tsuchiura St. , Bellibolt
- No25: Tokyo St. , Captain-Pikachu
- No26: Nishi-Ogikubo St. , Glalie
- No27: Nippori St. , Dudunsparce
- No28: Hasuda St. , Houndstone
- No29: Haneda Airport Terminal 3 St. , Gimmighoul
- No30: Machida St. , Espathra
- No31: Matsudo St. , Garganacl
- No32: Mitaka St. , Wugtrio
- No33: Musashi-Urawa St. , Annihilape
- No34: Yokohama St. , Umbreon
- No35: Yoyogi St. , Quagsire
- No36: Ryogoku St. , Hattrem